Top Cloud computing trends that you should know


There is no denying that cloud computing is expanding quickly than ever. The small, medium, and even large enterprises are understanding the need for cloud computing. By the end of 2022, the average spend on cloud computing services has increased to $498 billion and there is no stopping here. The increase can be attributed to advanced cloud environments and advancements in wireless technology. 

Pandemic brought a lot of upheaval to our personal as well professional lives, but the impact of pandemic will continue to serve as a catalyst for digital innovation and adoption of cloud services. It is mostly true for cases such as collaboration, remote work, and new digital services to support a hybrid workforce. 

With this in mind, here are some major cloud trends to watch out for: 

Integrated Platform as a Service: Ipaas is a term coined by Gartner and it meant to refer to a cloud-based integration platform making connections and business processes much easier. Integration Platform as a service solutions holistically standardize the way applications are added to an organization. 

Increased use of AI: The evolution and development of AI are interwoven, and this will be a part of 2023 and beyond. AI has already become ubiquitous and it will keep being so in the years to come. As infrastructure is also becoming programmable, it is easier to install these systems to organizations. 

If you are looking for Cloud Consulting Companies in Pensacola, FL, you can reach out to us. Try searching for Best Colocation Services Near Me.


  1. You have mentioned some trends of Cloud computing but I would like to share 3 more trends of Cloud computing such as: Edge Computing:- Edge Computing is one of the biggest trends in cloud computing. Here, data is stored, processed at the edge of the network, and analyzed geographically closer to its source; AI and ML:- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are two technologies that are closely related to cloud computing. AI and ML services are more cost-effective since large amounts of computational power and storage space are needed for data collection and algorithm training. Cloud Gaming:- Video gaming services are provided by Microsoft, Sony, and Amazon. But streaming video games require higher bandwidth and can be possible only with high-speed internet access.


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